Monday, February 13, 2012

Dusting for God's Fingerprints

A Western Montana Landscape and Commentary

I've been at a loss lately for something to write about.  I figured I needed to do something about it though so for this post, I decided to do some searching around through my notes and journals to find something I could share.

A few weeks after first arriving in Montana back in August of 2010, I attended a missionary conference that was held out on a farm in the Moiese Valley near Charlo, MT, about 60 miles from Missoula.  These conferences are normally conducted inside church buildings, so it was quite a blessing to have spent this spiritually uplifting experience outdoors in God's country.

The theme of the conference was "dusting for God's fingerprints".  About midway through our time out there, we each were instructed to go and find a quiet spot on this ranch.  Once there, we were given about 20 minutes or so to write down our observations and thoughts of how God had a hand in everything we were viewing before us.