Saturday, April 7, 2012

Don't Cry This Easter, Christ Has Risen!


As I look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter weekend, I found this picture of my cousin Ian from one a few years ago.  I can't recall exactly what was upsetting him that Sunday morning, but I think I can narrow it down to two things, either he didn't want his picture taken or someone other then him had just found the last Easter egg.  I think we'll go with the latter one!  

I hope I don't embarrass him too much with this (I sure love and miss that kid) -  but as we go about hunting for Easter eggs and enjoying our jelly beans and Reese's eggs (mmm!), we ought to remember that what we are ought to be searching for and rejoicing in is Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Here are a few scriptures that have helped me remember the hope that Christ has given to the whole world: