Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why Mormon.org Was Made for You!

I'm a Mormon.

Having grown up in the Bay Area for the first half of my life and continuing it on in Sacramento, CA for the last 10 years, being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has always provided me with some interesting questions, comments, and trials.  From grade school extending on into college, there never has been a large concentration of members attending the same school as I.  During my elementary school years in Pittsburgh, CA, I might have been one out of three members.  Although there was an increase as I attended middle school and high school in Sacramento, it wasn't by much.  Consistently having those few of numbers has given me the great opportunity to be an example of what I believe. 

Although I might have done a fair job at showing what I believe, I was not the best at telling others what I believed in and why.  Now serving a full-time mission for the Church, I have increased my opportunities to tell others about those beliefs - that is my focus! and I'm learning now that it should always be my focus.  Many people tell me, "Oh, you just want to convert me" or "It's only a matter of who you think is right or wrong".  I appreciate those comments and I am glad when these concerns come up because that is not why I am telling them about my beliefs at all.  Rather, I am sharing them because it is what I have found to be true, its what has helped me know who Jesus Christ is, and how I can follow Him to the very end.  It has brought my family closer together then anything else I know and it really does work!  (This is why I love missionary work so much)  The message which we share is applicable to anyone and everyone.

In the Book of Mormon, another book of holy scripture comparable to the Bible, we read that Jesus Christ "inviteth all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile" (2 Ne. 26:33).

No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, our message is for you.  I know that all of us have personal challenges and concerns.  No matter what those needs or concerns might be, the Savior and His teachings - the gospel - will help you.  It will enable you to improve the quality of your lives and it will help you deal with the problems and challenges that life throws at us.  God is no respector of persons and if He has answered my prayers, I know that He will also answer yours.  One could say that my missionary work is an honest recognition that my prayers have been answered and because they have, I now know that I need to tell others that there is a God who loves us very much.


So why the "Mormon" thing? 

Many of you might agree with what I have said so far concerning God and how He answers our prayers.  But I'm going to take a guess though and say that you are probably wondering what the whole "Mormon" thing is all about.  Actually, you probably have a lot of questions for me.  Some might be phrased like this:
Those questions, along with many more that you might have, all have answers and guess what?  Answers to those great questions are only a webpage away on Mormon.org.  Before I continue on though, so as to not leave you hanging in suspense as to why I am a Mormon, simply put, all the pieces fit.  It makes complete sense and not only does it fit reason's standard, I more importantly have been made known of the truthfulness of this Church by prayer through the Spirit of God, which speaks to us in soft and quiet whispers.  That is why careful listening and diligent prayer is so important.  God's answers are all around us - we need to just turn up the volume of our spiritual ears and hear Him speak.  We do that by keeping His commandments. 

This might seem like a lot to learn and do, but don't worry, its rather simple.  Understanding will come over time as you do your very best to learn of what God has in store for you.  Like I said above, the "Mormon Message" is meant for everyone.  When missionaries go out and find people to teach, we don't limit ourselves to only a certain group or crowd of people - we go to any and all that will listen to us.  For those who don't want to listen, we love you very much and want you to know that we are always here for you, to help strengthen your faith in Christ and improve your relationship with Him.  I know that our message is true and that God has answered my prayers.  Me knowing this is great but how will me knowing this help you?  Well, in the long run it won't.  As for right now however, I can help by being a guide so that you can learn the truth of our message for yourselves.  Always remember, it is your choice to accept and act on this message.  The promise I give to you is that the message the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints bears was created for you.  To aide in this process, we have Mormon.org.  Its focus is to paint a clear, simple, and concise picture of this message so that it will be easy for you to understand and act upon.

Why Mormon.org Was Made for You!

If I were to give you a three point focus of what I wanted you to learn from going to Mormon.org, it would be based on these great questions
  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Why am I here?
  3. Where am I going?
We have answers to those questions.  If you want to know if they are true or not, our response to you is that you can always pray to God to know.  That is, I might add, another integral part of the "Mormon Message".  We believe that our prayers are answered by God and because the truth of all things is known by Him, it would make sense why it is so important for all of us to ask Him for the knowledge of any truth.  It is very simple.  We all want to return to Him and we know that He has set up a specific path for us to follow so that we can accomplish that.  Prayer will confirm to us what the correct path is. 

Mormon.org is a wonderful and great tool for everyone - whether your a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or not.  For those learning about the Church, it will lead them to learn about the doctrine, teachings, standards, and organization of Christ's Church.  For those that are already members, it is a great resource to turn to as we look for ways that we can share, in simple terms, what we believe, and also to continually reaffirm our testimony on basic principles of Jesus Christ and His Plan of Salvation.

Another aspect about Mormon.org is that it features members of the Church from all over the world.  They speak of their lives, culture, trials, and families.  They tell us how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has impacted their lives forever and from their stories, we begin to see how we can apply what has helped them to help us in our own lives.  Their stories are fun, motivational, and inspiring.  Life is meant to be spent being happy.  These people, through Jesus Christ, have found it.  Now that doesn't mean that they are exempt from further trials and sadness, but what I have gathered from them is that they know who will always be there to help them.  They have a good understanding that it is through Jesus Christ that we can all return to God one day and live there happily forever, so long as we choose to do so.

The "Mormon Message" is exciting and remarkable.  It is fun and happy!  Mormon.org is meant to help all of us remember this and know that Jesus Christ is our Savior.  What great joy that brings to know that we have a Heavenly Friend that is always watching out for us, that has given His life for us, and cares very much about what we do with our life. 

To get a jump start on learning about Mormon.org, I have put together a short tour below of Mormon.org.  Clicking on the link above the pictures will take you to the web page shown.

I hope you enjoy exploring Mormon.org and find out the answers to those three great questions listed above.  I know they will bring peace and happiness into your life. I know that with all my heart.  Have fun and enjoy the journey!



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