Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Hey, That's Not Fair!... Wait, What's God Saying?"

"That's not fair!".

I've thought it.  Said it.  And yet sometimes (ok, most times), it just simply does absolutely nothing.  I have a brother and two sisters.  Somehow, they seem to provide the most excellent opportunities for me to raise my opinion to my parents about what I think is fair or not.  Of course, I'm a responsible adult now and I don't have to delve into those sibling rivalries anymore.  Right?  No, definitely not.  Some things just don't change, no matter how long your gone!

You can say the reason is brotherly or sisterly love,  but when it comes to dealing out responsibilities the home immediately turns into an intense court room battle where sibling is against sibling to determine what is "just" and "fair".  I don't always think the judge is truly listening to my case.  I mean, there's definitely a blatant solution to the problem.  And it usually always works out for my good.   I don't get why its not granted.  Its obvious.  I get what I want.  And then I can be happy and because I'm happy you can be happy.

So simple!  But oh so selfish.  I guess that's why life isn't fair.  And life's problems far exceed those minuscule rivalries between siblings.

We aren't the judge either.  That's one responsibility I am glad I don't have.  That's all on you God!  Thankfully, He wants to be our judge and He'll be completely just.  Now, I don't know what you think, but I am going to side with Elder Dallin H. Oaks and say that can be a little scary too.

Elder Oaks, speaking to CES religious educators in his talk "Sins, Crimes, and Atonement", said

"The justice of God holds each of us responsible for our own transgressions and automatically imposes the penalty. This reality should permeate our understanding, and it should influence all our teachings about the commandments of God and the effect of individual transgressions.

In keeping with the legal traditions of man, many seem to want justice. It is true that justice is a friend that will protect us from persecution by the enemies of righteousness. But justice will also see that we receive what we deserve, and that is an outcome, I fear.

I cannot achieve my eternal goals on the basis of what I deserve. Though I try with all my might, I am still what King Benjamin called an "unprofitable servant" (see Mosiah 2:21). To achieve my eternal goals, I need more than I deserve. I need more than justice".

When you hear that coming from an apostle of Jesus Christ, your probably thinking, "Ok, well I tried.  Send me on my way God!" It isn't that way though.  Indeed, God offers us more then justice.  He offers us mercy and salvation.  He has given us the Atonement. "All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ" (Preach My Gospel, p. 52).

And that's an outcome I'm content with.  When this life isn't fair and it sends blows my way that knock me down and weaken my strength, all I need remember is that God offers so much more.

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