Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Just Maybe... A "Return" to Normal

So, I don't know if its just the curious side in me or perhaps the massive amounts of college work on my plate that had me pick up a can of Mt. Dew.  I found it in our fridge and I don't know who's it is (was) but I haven't had one in years!  And not just those two missionary years.  I'm not a major soda drinker by any means.  While its a Dew, I don't know if it can be counted as the real stuff with it being diet and all.  Its all in good stride though.  Maybe this is a return to normal?

Heck, I don't even know what "normal" is anymore.  They seriously need an RMTC for us.  We (ME) can be quite helpless sometimes.  (Keep your ears open in the upcoming General Conference's for any such development, cause its bound to be the next big announcement following the recent age drop in missionary service!)  And after serving those two years in Montana and Wyoming, my Californian perception of what's culturally normal is all skewed.  I seriously got excited when I passed a field full of cows the other day.  I've driven past that field thousands of times and never once cared about what was on the other side of that fence until now.  Nor did I pay much attention to rodeos, horses, belt buckles, boots, bolo ties, and cowgirls!  Oh, and for the record, that last one is definitely a post-mission acquired trait.  Yeah... we'll go with that.

This whole RM gig has its perks though, there's no denying that.  I was recently called as a ward missionary for the YSA branch I started attending. While I won't be wearing the name badge, I get to go out on splits with the missionaries whenever I want and actively participate in lessons with them. And I don't even have to dress in a white shirt and tie.  Don't get me wrong though, its extremely important they have that image.  How else would you find them?!  I, however, just don't have to it anymore!  I'll let you in on a secret though.  Sometimes, when I'm in my church clothes, I think about putting that tag back on.  But shhhhh!  Don't tell anyone.

Back to the perks. Another would have to be that I can listen to the music I like again!  For example, like the Eagles, Coldplay, Skillet or... the Cascada song that was just playing?  Umm... so... my Mtn Dew is all gone.  I kinda want another one.  Ok, the Foo Fighters are playing now.  Phew!  Anyways, I think the best perk out of all is getting to work out the course of my life, where it will take me, who it will be with, how I'll provide for a family, and continually learning how to stay happy.  I ran across this great scripture from Proverbs during Church last Sunday that sums up the point:

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps". (Proverbs 16:9)

The new normal for me is a mix of who I am, the things I like and the things I want to change, all fused together with the lessons I learned on my mission. If one was to ask for a single significant difference between the me of now and then, I would say its all rooted in prayer and how often I utilize that source to seek wisdom, comfort, love, peace, lost car keys... and all of the other attributes of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.

My best friend gave me this as her testimony of prayer, which I refer to quite often:

"I have a testimony of prayer.  I know that when we are struggling with something or even just wondering about something that if we pray about it we will get the answers we need.  Heavenly Father knows each one of us individually and knows our problems better then we do.  Answers from prayer are the ones we need to trust and rely on the most".

I'd have to say the last part is my favorite.  Trust is everything!  Like, for example, lets take the Mtn Dew I drank.  I trust that its effects are wearing off as I am getting drowsier and drowsier by the moment.  And now I should go pray that all the studying I've been doing (wait, I've been writing this blog) will help me out on my upcoming tests!  Life's truly an adventure and when you have prayer, you've always got a guide that'll stick with you through thick and thin.

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